Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore, GENESIS

Harry Potter is for kids! The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore is for grown folks!

What if every God that ever existed including Buddha, Satan, Isis, Pan, Yahweh, Anubis, Zeus, etc., got together and discussed sentencing Jesus, all of Humanity and possibly the Earth to Death?

Then these same Gods call upong the mightiest immortal to ever exist and asked him to incarnate upon Earth as the Final Judge.

The only catch is that once upon Earth; it will be up to this Immortal to remember who he is and what his mission is on his own.

Feel your heart race in this breathtaking pageturner as this Incarnated Immortal gets mixed up in MAGIC, MARTIAL ARTS, THE OCCULT, SECRET GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, and a SINISTER PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION.

Welcome to the world of SIRIUS EVERMORE AND GENESIS, The first book in "The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore.




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Thursday, November 02, 2006



Port, port, porto, how divine you truly are. Yes, I know this “the opposite of expert wine review”, but please forgive me. Truly, it was Port that first entered my heart while a warm fire blazed in front of me, a serene fish tank hummed behind me and a lovely woman gazed longingly into my eyes, on a wintry New York night.

The visuals on this port are a healthy, heavy, purple, ruby, cinnamon brown, gold. Its’ essence is brisk and invigorating, digging deep in to the olfactory senses. Inhale deeply and whoa! This one will wake you up. Its’ taste is a sweet, light, rich, honey centered grape. It is a fascinating sweetness that is consistent but doesn’t leave you feeling like the day after Halloween.

I have had requests and compliments from not a few of my review fans regarding my comparisons of fine vintages to fine women. So the following is for you my dedicated readers.

This port is a woman who is experienced and seductive, but not a tease. Yet, she moves so patiently and rhythmically; you might think otherwise. She is the one who bats her eyes so sophisticatedly you cannot tell whether or not it was a wink or an invitation. She is oh so sweet and tasty that you question her reality and whether sweetness such as this truly exists on our earthly plane. This wine looks into your taste buds with the eyes of Myrna Loy. And like Myrna Loy; this port could be typecast as the exotic women and then become the perfect wife.

In the late 1930’s Clark Gable was the King of Hollywood and Myrna Loy was its Queen. Is this port the Queen of Ports? I dare not say, after all I am the opposite of an expert and I am certainly no Clark Gable but; you will certainly enjoy her reign in your palate.

Check out this book titled, FOOL-PROOF WINE VALUES recommended by Robin Garr, publisher of www.wineloverspage.com, which happens to be the oldest, largest and most popular independent wine-appreciation site on the World Wide Web. This ebook is also recommended by Tom Ahern, the Food Columnist for Rhode Island Monthly Magazine. Let this book help you take the hassle out of finding delicious, inexpensive wines for every occasion.



Tuesday, August 29, 2006



Yes, I admit it. I know the 01’ Magnus appeals to the palate like berries and melted chocolate. In fact, I am determined to try the Magnus with almonds and chocolate because I have a feeling that the combo is sinfully delicious. I don’t know much about Australia or Australians but this wine gives you a reason to love’ em.

As a matter of fact; I had just gotten done tasting a somewhat disappointing wine that I had received as a gift. The Magnus was from the same source so, I did not know what to expect. What is Leasingham? Clare Valley? Hey, I’m no expert! The label looked kind of boring. Oh well, I thought. I pulled the cork out and sniffed the bottle. Yes, that’s what I said; if my nose had been any closer it would have been in the bottle. Is that okay? I didn’t care; I had to prepare for the let down and move through the disappointment before a single glass was poured, before even the wine could breathe. It just so happens, there was no let down. Ultimately, a thirsty and well-wishing friend had to pry my nose from that bottle.

You may not want to invite me to your dinner party but, I figure that anything I do in my own home, with a legally consenting bottle of wine, is my business. Fortunately, my wonderful, gift bearing friend understands me well. He smiled with glee at the thought of having accomplished his gift-giving mission! He had seen the other bottle languishing in despair and we both understood the importance of this bottle. Since he understood me so well; I in turn understood why he proceeded to gulp three tasting glasses while I was still sniffing my first. He had calculated all too quickly what was going to happen to that bottle based on the fact that I practically drank it through my nose. Forget about the cork! The aroma is peppery as well as chocolaty my friend noted. He was right. It tasted smooth so smooth and then bam! It explodes on the palate with a continuous increasing, soothing warmth to the throat.

The back of the bottle says “A harmless crust of sediment may form in this wine. This is a sign that the wine has benefited from minimal handling to preserve its natural flavor”. I can tell you, without a doubt, that your’ LEASINGHAM, CLARE VALLEY, 2001, MAGNUS, SHIRAZ CABERNET SAUVIGNON will be maximally handled once you pop the cork.

Now as I wait, wondering whether another friend will show up with the requested chocolate; I question whether I even want to wait for the chocolate. Alas, I did get on the hotline about this wine and blab my big mouth so; I have to leave some. How long do I have to wait is the question? What is reasonable? I could always get another bottle?
Finally, the chocolate arrived in the form of a Hershey’s with almonds. I greedily bit into the candy bar and slurped the red wine. Yuck! Not good! So, don’t try it. I am sure there is a book somewhere that denotes this specific action as a violation of all that wonderful in the wine world. I can hear it now. Tisk, tisk, tisk, a chocolate almond bar with red wine, has the poor man has lost his mind. Well, that assessment would not be far from the mark, but it happened way before the wine. What I did find remarkable was that the chocolate scent was so deep in this wine that it actually made me acquire some chocolate. Even more remarkable is; I don’t eat chocolate. I can’t remember the last time previous that I had chocolate. The wines chocolaty aroma actually manipulated my olfactory senses to the degree that a physical response was elicited. Perhaps, in uncorking the LEASINGHAM, CLARE VALLEY, 2001, MAGNUS, SHIRAZ CABERNET SAUVIGNON; I had discovered a new form of mind control. Or, better yet, a chocolate substitute. So, forget about the chocolate and grab a bottle. 2001 is starting to look like a very good year.

Check out this book titled, FOOL-PROOF WINE VALUES recommended by Robin Garr, publisher of www.wineloverspage.com, which happens to be the oldest, largest and most popular independent wine-appreciation site on the World Wide Web. This ebook is also recommended by Tom Ahern, the Food Columnist for Rhode Island Monthly Magazine. Let this book help you take the hassle out of finding delicious, inexpensive wines for every occasion



Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I don’t know the official name for the visual process but, when I swirled this wine it moved like sticky liquid silk gripping walls of glass. I think they call it legs or something. Be patient with me; after all, this is the opposite of expert wine review. The visuals actually caught me by surprise. I mean who doesn’t like to look at the delicious and intoxicating. Yet, for the first time, I found myself enchanted by the swirling process. Round and round, I was hypnotized. This wine was alive as a living, breathing, deep, earthy, purple-ruby entity. Its’ sole job was to adhere to the inside of my glass and crawl downward to a slow reunion with the rest of its liquid family. Fun, fun, fun, I thought but, sooner or later, the rest of the tasting process had to continue and to be frank with you; I was scared.

What if, after blessing me with such extraordinary fireworks, the smell and taste were disappointing? After all, I didn’t even know what I was drinking yet, but I knew there weren’t any secret stashes of Bordeaux or any Bordeaux for that matter. I swirled one more time and slowly, hesitantly, reluctantly extended my proboscis into the glass. Aaah, it emanated a rich aroma, similar to a bouquet of roses, flowery, pleasant and very nice. Things were progressing nicely. It was time for the moment of truth. At this point, I had been caught off guard by every aspect of this wine, overwhelmed by its appearance and pleased with its bouquet. What the heck was it going to taste like? I still didn’t know what I was drinking. Here goes everything.

I sipped deeply like a wary gazelle at the jungle watering hole. The first thing I noticed was its complexity. I absolutely could not process it all immediately. This is a complex varietal; I thought. Then the wine defied gravity and sank into the roof of my mouth. The wine was doing the same thing to my mouth that it was doing in my glass, it was crawling. The silky liquid then seeped and expanded into my upper gums. Fascinated as I already was, I wondered, how was this thing going to finish? I waited. The finish was a short chalky berry flavor.

Drinking this wine was like flirting with a beautiful and spicy woman. You see her and are overwhelmed. Her essence is pure femininity. She grabs you and consumes you in the quick, wonderfully vigorous and surprisingly passionate act. Before you can even begin to figure out what happened to you, one understanding is crystal clear. You want more. The complexity is part of the package, part of the mystery and the short but deep finish keeps you on the comeback. The most significant quality of these two vixens, the wine and the woman, is…you want more!

The only unfortunate thing about my tasting was I couldn’t disguise my fascination with the wine. My friends have learned my facial expressions and watch me closely like the grape vultures we are. Soon my fascinating lady was gone. Since my last review I have not been able to get another bottle of vintage 2003 Avalon, Napa Valley, Cabernet Sauvignon and at this time the 2004 does not compare. If you can dig up some 2001 Artesa Elements gobble it up while you can. ARTESA’S 2001 ELEMENTS RED WINE, 79% Sonoma, 21% Napa County, is yummy! It is a table wine gone professional and surely the five years of experience have done no harm.

Check out this book titled, FOOL-PROOF WINE VALUES recommended by Robin Garr, publisher of www.wineloverspage.com, which happens to be the oldest, largest and most popular independent wine-appreciation site on the World Wide Web. This ebook is also recommended by Tom Ahern, the Food Columnist for Rhode Island Monthly Magazine. Let this book help you take the hassle out of finding delicious, inexpensive wines for every occasion



Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Opposite of Expert Wine Review by Jonas Holmes III


The aroma of Avalon, Napa Valley, Cabernet Sauvignon, Vintage 2003 is heady and oaky. It is an unusually powerful and exhilarating awakening. One might even say it is heady. I was very surprised at the dynamite in this $15 bottle. Still, I had to refrain from giving myself to much kudos because I had yet to wet my palate with it. I inhaled deeply one more time and realized that even if the wine was average, I would buy it again for its aroma. Here goes everything.

Wait I decided let me examine this wine with eyes only. Yes…as I swirled it light lavender purple hues illuminated the wine’s edges. As the swirling slowed to a stop, in the afternoon light, the wine revealed its depth like a glass of perfect blood. Finally, I had to taste this seeming delicacy of grape. Wait, one more deep whiff.

Mmmmmm……it is sweet going in with an explosion that moves from the rear of the mouth forward with a finish that sinks into the teeth. Yes, for sure, this was good wine. I tasted the wine again and I actually felt my salivary glands pump with joy. The oaky flavor was superb and taunting. There was almost, it seemed, a hint of absenthe or was it wormwood. I decided to look up avalonwinery.com and see what this experience was or if I was simply a delusional amateur connoisseur.

The Avalon website says “Cabernet for the Soul”. I knew we were off to good start as I took another sip. I should say whiff and sip. With Avalon, Napa Valley, 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon, every sip deserves a good whiff. Based on their homepage Avalon has a fun yet wise and appreciative approach to their wine. Most importantly they believe in quality. To put it in their words they strive to produce a $75 bottle of wine they can sell for $15. The Avalon site is fun and filled with quotes ranging from Emily Dickinson to Ray Charles. They compare their wine to an independent film raw and uncut while they boldly proclaim that they do only Cabernet Sauvignons. Then I stumbled on it; perhaps I had found it, that mysterious hint of absinthe.

“The soul of Cabernet Sauvignon, many believe, lies in Napa Valley.

Wines from these grapes taste richer, fuller and have legendary regional characteristics such as cherry or dusty nuances. Is it the weather, the soil, the sun, we aren't sure.”

Yes, it must be that Rutherford dust they are talking about. After more research


I found one more taste that was definitely a major component of Avalon 2003 Napa Valley. It was nutmeg from the oak aging process. Damn, this is a good wine. Have a bottle. If you are able to pause a few minutes between sips let me know if, just when you think the finish is done, you get to taste a second round of light chalky orange peel.

Check out this book titled, FOOL-PROOF WINE VALUES recommended by Robin Garr, publisher of www.wineloverspage.com, which happens to be the oldest, largest and most popular independent wine-appreciation site on the World Wide Web. This ebook is also recommended by Tom Ahern, the Food Columnist for Rhode Island Monthly Magazine. Let this book help you take the hassle out of finding delicious, inexpensive wines for every occasion.